Tadpoles - Setting for Early's Years
Quick Updates:
Reserve a place in advance instead of at the last minute. Children may need settling in time.
Contact mobile: 0753 451 5542
Stay in the know:
Enrichments change every term for after school children.
Dear Parents,
Welcome to my website!
Children learn as they play. If playing can be fun, the more they will learn.
It is important that our children in the Early Years develop key skills that cover the seven areas of learning, and that they achieve developmental goals which lay the Early Years foundation stage. Therefore, let us work together and help your child secure and extend further learning.
Available places are limited, but guidance given in the pages that follow, will help you to support and encourage your child.
Happy reading.
Lata Pattni Early Years Practitioner BA (Hons)

NEG 2, 3 and 4
NEG2, 3 & 4 are available but please check the eligibility criteria with www.brent.gov.uk/childcare
Ask me!
A variety of childcare vouchers are accepted.
Flexible working hours are available.