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ORIM Framework

ORIM stands for a frame work - Opportunity, Recognition, Interaction and Modelling –  It supports children’s learning and development, through four different threads; Environmental print, Books, Oral Language and Writing.


Use day-to-day life experiences as an Opportunity to teach your child early literacy.

Recognise and value what they are able to do for themselves.  This will build their confidence and a belief in themselves as learners.  Use this knowledge to keep a track of their development and progress.

Interact with your child, listen to how they feel, what they see and are doing, express ideas together.

When you want to introduce a new learning activity, then Model the behaviour.  For example creating a tower using building blocks or empty boxes.  

Professors Peter Hannon and Cathy Nutbrown (University of Sheffield) developed the ORIM framework when they realised what families were already doing at home to support their children's learning development.  

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